Freaks and Geeks aired on television between 1999-2000. Only 18 episodes of this series were made before it was cancelled.
Freaks and Geeks, created by Judd Apatow and Paul Feig (Knocked Up, The 40 Year Old Virgin...) was based on the lives of two groups of students at McKinley high school in 1980.
The freaks
Lindsay, Kim, Daniel, Ken and Nick
and the geeks
Sam, Neal and Bill
Below, I have added some of the best quotes from the series:
The freaks:
Ken Miller: I have to get into a bar. Everything fun in life happens in bars.
Lindsay Weir: How could you tell?
Millie Kentner: I know what high people look like. I went to a Seals and Crofts concert last summer.
Nick Andopolis: Wow, that dinner smells good. Let me guess... meat?
Nick Andopolis: Wow, that dinner smells good. Let me guess... meat?
Nick Andopolis: Yeah, you were in my English class last year. You were the chick that got an A, right?
Lindsay Weir: Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?
Ken Miller: I don't know. What are you gonna do?
Harris Trinsky: You're not a loser 'cause you have sex, but if you weren't having sex, we could definitely debate the issue.
Nick Andopolis: The Ramones? They only use like three chords.
Daniel Desario: So? I'll learn another one.
Discotheque DJ: Aren't you one of those guys who's always running in here yelling 'disco sucks?' What's the matter, cat got your bong, man? Is that how you learned to communicate? Running in here and yelling stuff? Is that what your precious "rock and roll" teaches you?
Ken Miller: No, it teaches me that DISCO SUCKS!
Nick Andopolis: Hey, I believe in god, man. I've seen him, I've felt his power! He plays drums for Led Zeppelin and his name is John Bonham, baby!
Kim Kelly: Are you calling me irrational? Because I'll tear your head off, Daniel. I'll tear it off and I'll throw it over that fence.
[Kim Kelly cranks up the car stereo] Daniel Desario: Will you knock it off, Blondie, you're gonna blow the speakers.
Kim Kelly: Oh I'm sorry Grandpa, I'll try not to blow anything of yours from now on.
Kim Kelly: My aunt Cathy was so rad. She lived in L.A. She was on Kojak. She doinked Ryan O'Neal once at a party.
Lindsay Weir: Wow, she sounds awesome.
Kim Kelly: Yeah, well, she's dead. She OD'd on coke.
Lindsay Weir: [while hitchhiking] We're so sheltered, you know? There's this whole other America out there. The person who picks us up could be an artist or a psychic or an escaped felon. This is so exciting!
Ken Miller: I feel... odd.
Jean Weir: (looking for Lindsays diary) If my parents ever read my diary, I would have been furious. Such a violation.
Jean Weir: (looking for Lindsays diary) If my parents ever read my diary, I would have been furious. Such a violation.
Harold Weir: Spooning with a stranger in the back of a van, now that's a violation!
Ken Miller: Do you really want to know?
Kim Kelly: Yeah, if you're attracted to guys that look like Jesus.
Lindsay Weir: Can I please go now?
Jeff Rosso: I just blew your mind, didn't I.
[beat] Nick Andopolis: Oh no, that was *my* girlfriend. Hmm, but did you know that Lindsay got detention for flipping off her gym teacher?
[beat] Nick Andopolis: No, wait, that was *your* girlfriend! Hmm.
Daniel Desario: I heard that Kim hit you really hard in the chest. [beat]
Daniel Desario: No wait. That was me.
Daniel Desario: [slams Nick in the chest and walks away]
Nick Andopolis: Wow, that was really hard.
The Geeks....
Neal Schweiber: The dance is tomorrow. She's a cheerleader, you've seen Star Wars 47 times. You do the math.
Sam Weir: It's Cindy. She's kind of boring. It's weird hanging out with her friends. And, I mean, all she wants to do is make out and stuff.
Sam Weir: It's Cindy. She's kind of boring. It's weird hanging out with her friends. And, I mean, all she wants to do is make out and stuff.
Neal Schweiber: I'd kill to be that bored.
Bill Haverchuck: Fredericks, you're a turd... a stinky f-fat turd, go sniff a jock strap, you poop head. You love patting boys' butts... butt... you butt-patter! You're a perv and a loser and a stinky t-turd!
Bill Haverchuck: Remember that time in civics when I had to fart, and it came out, well, a poop? And I had to flush my undies down the toilet? Do you think I wanted to tell you that?
Gordon Crisp: A Parisian! Ooh la la!
Neal Schweiber: It's not a parisian. It's a jumpsuit. My grandfather in Florida wears them all the time because he's too lazy to put on pants!
Bill Haverchuck: But, uh, you're not funny.
Neal Schweiber: Screw you, I'm hilarious!
Bill Haverchuck: A turd?
Neal Schweiber: Yes, Bill, a turd.
Bill Haverchuck: Ewwwwww! Gross!
Neal Schweiber: An Atari video set. Is my dad the coolest, or what? So shall we say Asteriods, my place, 3:30?
Bill Haverchuck: Yeah, if that's when you wanna get your butt kicked.
Neal Schweiber: I'm Jewish. That's no cakewalk either. Last year, I was elected school treasurer. I didn't even run!
Neal Schweiber: Oh my god!
Sam Weir: Shut up.
Bill Haverchuck: I'm serious. She blamed it on the chair.
Sam Weir: Well, what kind of chair was it?
Bill Haverchuck: I don't know. Vinyl?
Sam Weir: Vinyl chairs always squeak!
Bill Haverchuck: It wasn't the sound of vinyl squeaking. It was the sound of cheese being cut.
Bill Haverchuck: You know what would be cool? To find a girl in a bottle, like "I Dream of Jeanie". I'd like to make out with her on that little couch.
Sam Weir: Yeah, Cindy would look good in those puffy pants.
Bill Haverchuck: It's just like beer, it just doesn't have that ingredient that makes you drunk. Neal Schweiber: ...Alcohol?
Bill Haverchuck: Yeah.
Neal Schweiber: ... 'cause, you know, Friday? is the the Sabbath... for the Jews.
Bill Haverchuck: Don't say anything. Be dominant. It's all, all about dominance. I saw this monkey show on PBS, if you talk to her first, it's a sign of weakness and she will not pick you to be her mate.
Sam Weir: Are you drunk?
Bill Haverchuck: I think so, yes I am.
Sam Weir: Aw, man, go into my room, lock the door, and don't drink any more.
Bill Haverchuck: [after Sam leaves] That's very dominant.
Neal Schweiber: Maybe you are, but when I hit 13, I became a man.
Bill Haverchuck: That's only in your temple, Neil, not in the real world.
Bill Haverchuck: [about his fake breasts, as the Bionic Woman for Halloween] No, these are not bionic. These are all me.
Bill Haverchuck: I'm not a little girl, I'm a bionic woman.
Bill Haverchuck: Oh, is your grandpa super cool?
Harris Trinsky: Judith has very particular tastes. About the only thing she ever wants is scented oils and plenty of time with her man.