Friday, August 14, 2009

You know what really grinds my gears? Part 2 - The Elderly (GERROWAMEWAY!!!)

Reasons why old people annoy me:
1. Their slow movement, everywhere - getting on the bus if I'm standing behind one takes 10 minutes to get to my seat, or in a shop, at the counter purchasing whatever it is that old people buy (usually related to angina in some way) they decide to either start chatting with the shop staff or giving out, produce a Dunnes bag full of 1cent coins and then decide that they'll get a telly bingo ticket and a copy of Ireland's Own while they're at it.

2. Repetition: They feckin repeat everything - for example bus numbers.....'Mary, which bus is that'.....'The 122'....'eh'......'the 122'.....'oh, the 122, I think that'll bring me to St. Peters Church....the it will....122'.

3.Entitlement: If I see another bus full of perfectly healthy old people occupying every seat while a heavily pregnant woman has to stand I'll throw one of them off the bus myself (while pocketing her bus pass for future use).

4.Lotto wins: I mean....what are they going to do with that money.....they'll be dead soon...give it to me instead.

5. They stink of soup.

1 comment:

Radge said...

You stink of soup.