Friday, June 26, 2009

You know what really grinds my gears? - Part 1.

People who take forkfulls of food repeatedly before swallowing - they then end up with 10 forkfuls of food in their mouth.......this is particularly irritating with soup, and fizzy drinks on the bus.


Radge said...

Must do better. I mean, one sentence? Kind of?

Holemaster said...

You can tell a lot about someone from the manner in which eat.

I'm a slow eater. Wonder what that means.

Holemaster said...

You can tell a lot about someone from the manner in which eat.

I'm a slow eater. Wonder what that means.

Sarah Gostrangely said...

Bad forkery is bad manners, Elmo, you're right.

I love your profile pic btw. Lovely.

Elmo said...

thanks Sarah - its one of my paintings!